Circulatory system
For in a man there is a liquid called blood, on the inside of the human
circulatory system is a tool of a transport system which serves to circulate
oxygen and nutrients into the cells lining the human body and can also carry
carbon dioxide and waste materials into a organ expenditure. In a human
circulatory system, it can be divided into three, each consisting of blood,
heart and blood vessels.
B. Blood also has a good function in the human body which is to:
1. transports nutrients and transport metabolic substances as well,
2. hormones circulate into all layers of the human body
3. maintain body temperature to remain stable,
4. do blood clots which it is necessary tu, as well as
5. kill the germs causing the infection.
Blood plasma
In man besides the blood artifacts found in man also contained blood
plasma, blood plasma is merupakn substances for human antibodies. Blood plasma
also had a common hallmark of blood plasma is the liquid blood that have a
yellowish red color. Because blood plasma is composed of 90% water and soluble
proteins (albumin, gloBumin, and fibrinogen). If the blood plasma taken
fibrinogennya then that will be left is a yellow-colored liquid commonly called
serum. And in the serum of this, there is a substance which is a substance antibody.
D. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)
There's a kicker that red blood cells form
Yeah right, red blood cell shape was round, bikonkaf, not cored, the walls
were elastic, and flexible. It turns out red blood cells can only be able to
live for 120 days you know .
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin which can cause the blood is red. It has
the function of hemoglobin to bind oxygen and releasing it into the entire cell
layer of the human body. This red blood cell formation in the red bone marrow located
in the flat bones and short bones.
White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
In man there is not only red blood cells alone but there are also white
blood cells known as leukocytes. The function of leukocytes or white blood
cells is to protect the body against germs that invade our bodies by eating the
germs of the disease (phagocytes). Leucocytes have characteristics which are:
not colored (clear), its shape was not fixed, cored, and sizes are also bigger
than the red blood cells. Based on the shape, white blood cells or leukocytes
are divided into 4 is as follows:
1. Neutrophils have a function that is as phagocytosis and has a bluish
2. Eosinophils have red spots.
3. Basophils have granules blue.
4. Monocytes have the large cell nuclei and round or oval.
5. Lymphocytes have a core with a nearly circular shape.
F. Platelets (Platelet)
In the system of human blood perdaran Platelet who have the smallest size
to the other, the shape was not regular, and have no cell nucleus. Platelets
made in the red marrow in flat bones and short bones. The following chart of
the process of blood clotting.
In human self terdapa body part that is good for the heart pump blood. The
heart is located located on the left chest cavity. Heart wall is coated by a
layer of wrapping the heart (pericardium). Apparently Dapa heart is divided
into 4 rooms, namely the right atrium and the left and right and left chambers.
1. Atrium (verandah)
Atrium or porch can be divided into two parts, namely the right and left.
a. In the atrium or the right atrium is the room where the influx of blood
from a vein or veins, the superior vena cava and inferior vena kavam which
contains C02.
b. Left atrium receives blood, and blood was coming from the lungs that
contain lots of 02.
2. Ventricles (chambers)
a. Ventricle or right ventricle receives blood from right atrium to be
pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary artery.
b ventricle or left ventricular muscle has a 3-4 times thicker than the
right ventricle so it can pump more strongly. Ventricle or left ventricle
receives blood from the left atrium kaya'02, then circulated throughout the
body melalu'i aorta.
Here's how the heart.
Blood from the lungs -> enter the foyer left -> routed to the left
ventricle -> pumped out into the heart of the whole body -> blood from
the heart throughout the body back to -> go into the right atrium -> get
into the right ventricle -> pumped out of the heart to the lungs.
Blood vessel
Blood vessels can be divided into 2 arteries and veins
1. Carotid (artery)
Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood out of the heart to the
capillaries. The most large artery called the aorta, whose function is to drain
blood from the heart to the left of all layers of body cells. Arteries that
drain blood from the right ventricle to the lungs called pulmonary artery
(pulmonary artery).
2. Veins (venous)
Veins are the vessels that drain blood back to the heart. Consists of the
pulmonary vein or veins veins that drain blood from the lungs to the heart and
left the porch anterior vena cava and inferior vena cava or the blood stream
that contains a lot of carbon dioxide from the body top and bottom toward the
right atrium of the heart.
The following chart the differences between arteries and veins.Behind Tubes
Tubes properties NadiVessel wall thickness, strong, danelastis Thin,
inelasticLeaving the blood flow towards the heart of the heartLocation of
Hidden, in the inside lot along the vesselValve.
Only one at the base of the aortaDoes not feelFeel the pulse is not feltIf
the injured blood gushing
Blood drips onlyMovement of blood caused by the contraction of heart muscle
contraction of skeletal muscle
Blood group
According to Karl Landsteiner experts in the field of biology of human
blood groups can be distinguished by the presence or absence aglutinogen and
aglutinin (anti aglutinogen). Aglutinogen is a protein found inside red blood
cells, whereas aglutinin present in blood plasma.
Can be agglomerate Aglutinin aglutinogen.
Blood can be transfused to another person. People who give blood to others
called the donor, while those who received blood from the donor's blood is
called the recipient. Terms of blood transfusion is the substance does not meet
with the donor aglutinogen antinya substances in the blood plasma of recipients
that can cause clotting. Blood type O is the universal donor or the donor
entirely because it can give blood transfusions to all the others. While the
blood type AB is the universal recipient because it can receive a transfusion
of any blood type.
Circulatory system
Circulatory system in humans is a closed system because it is always
circulating in the blood vessels alone. Blood circulation in humans is also
called a double circulatory system because it circulates throughout the body
and through the heart twice.
1. Circulatory system of the
Blood circulation of the blood circulation of the heart to all parts of the
Scheme as follows. heart (left ventricle) -> the whole body -> heart (right atrium)
Scheme as follows. heart (left ventricle) -> the whole body -> heart (right atrium)
2. Circulatory system of small
Small blood circulation is the circulation of blood from the heart to the
lungs and back again to the heart. Scheme as follows.
heart (right ventricle) -> lungs -> heart (left portico)
heart (right ventricle) -> lungs -> heart (left portico)
Circulation System Lymph Nodes.
Lymph nodes is a yellowish fluid that fills the cavity between cells in
tissues of the body and is composed of white blood cells. Also called lymph
nodes. Circulation of lymph nodes is open for the circulation of blood
circulation through the lymph pebuluh ends
veins open with each other. Lymph vessels have very thin walls of arteries.
Lymph vessels consists of lymph vessels and lymph vessels left-right.
Circulatory System Diseases and Efforts to Overcome It
Circulatory System Diseases and Efforts to Overcome It
1. Anemia
Maybe the women already know about the disease
anemia. The disease can be caused due to deficiency of red blood cells or red
blood cell hemoglobin deficiency instead.
Disease Anemia can be overcome by eating foods that contain lots of iron,
such as kayaking bananas, beans, liver, meat, or spinach
2. Leukemia
This disease is caused by overproduction of white blood
cells. The disease is also called blood cancer disease.
The treatment itself is a combination of surgery, radiotherapy,
and chemotherapy.
and chemotherapy.
2. Hemophilia
Haemophilia is a disease that can cause decreased
blood is difficult to freeze.
There is some effort to be able to cope with the
disease hemophilia, among others, that is to consume food or beverages are
healthy, maintain body weight should not be excessive because excessive weight
can cause bleeding in the joints in the legs, and be careful in everyday life
to minimize the risk of injury.
4. Polycythemia
The disease is a disease polycythemia that occurs
due to excess production of red blood cells so that blood becomes more viscous
and flows very slowly. The result is going to lead can occur in the clotting of
blood vessels that will be able to cause death.
Abatement way in the face of disease polycythemia is to do a blood transfusion or anti partial to weed out some of the blood and replace it with a plasma in the same amount.
1. Varicose veins
You may have heard about the disease called
varicose veins. Varicose disease is a disorder that occurs in the form of
widening of the veins (venous) in the legs. This disorder often suffered by
people who a lot of standing or women who are pregnant.
For there penanggulanganya Several attempts to overcome the occurrence of varicose veins, among others, is do not ever cross my legs and resting on the knee why?
because it may put more pressure on blood vessels in the lower leg and will
impede blood flow throughout the body.
2. Piles or hemorrhoids
In the society we often hear of hemorrhoids or
piles. This hemorrhoid is a disease that occurs due to an interruption in the
form of widening the veins (venous) to the rectum. This is usually suffered by
people who mostly sit, because it's not often sit seering-yes.
Hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids disease can be prevented by way of beginning to overcome hemorrhoids, among others, by pledging a minimum of 2.5 liters of drinking water a day and enough exercise to stimulate bowel movements.
3. Hypertension
Hypertension or better known as high blood pressure
is a condition of abnormal pressure in the artery until it reaches 150/90 mm
The fix is to the person who gave the useful to dilate blood vessels and blood to dapatmenurunkan cardiac output to normal.
8. Hypotension
Low blood pressure (hypotension) is a state of
lower blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg, so often cause symptoms such as dizziness
and even fainting.
How to cope by using drugs that function to
maintain blood pressure when blood leaves the heart and circulates throughout
the body.
9. Fainting
All must have often heard the name once fainted.
Fainting can be defined as a loss of consciousness that occurs suddenly and in
a short time. This is a symptom of an inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain.
10. Stroke
Very often we hear the stroke of disease, a disease
that many people feared. Stroke itself is the death of brain tissue that occurs
because of a reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain. In bleeding strokes, a
blood vessel breaks thereby inhibiting normal blood flow rate and blood seeps
into the region in the brain and damage it.
Circulatory System in Animals
1. Circulatory system in birds
Blood circulation in birds is a closed circulation and a double. The tools
on pigeon blood circulation, composed of blood vessels jantungserta. Heart
consists of four rooms, which left the porch, right atrium, left ventricle and
right ventricle. Each space in the heart of the bird is restricted bulkhead
clear that oxygenated blood from the lungs do not mix with blood containing
carbon dioxide derived from the entire body.
2. Circulatory system in the frog
Frogs Having a double circulatory system, the heart of the frog consists of
three chambers, namely the porch left, right atrium, and the booth why?
Because the frog heart has only one chamber then the blood that contains
oxygen and carbon dioxide are mixed in the chambers of the heart.
3. Circulatory system in insects
In the circulatory system in insects is an open circulatory system so that
blood can be circulated directly into the body tissue without blood vessels.
Tool in the form of circulatory heart vessels. At the heart of the vessel,
there are small holes (ostia) which has a valve. Vessels when the heart beats,
ostium was closed, the blood flowing forward through the aorta. Circulatory
locusts only circulate nutrients and take the rest of metabolism, while the
circulation of oxygen throughout the body and carbon dioxide capture is done through
the tracheal system.
4. Circulatory system of the worm
Worms have a circulatory device consists of blood vessels back, abdominal
blood vessels, and five pairs of aortic arches. Function as the heart of the
aortic arch.
5. Circulatory system in fish
Fish have a single circulatory system, heart consists of two rooms, the
foyer and cubicles. The heart contains oxygen-poor blood. Blood from the
ventricles and then pumped through the aorta which will lead to the gills.
Later in the gills, carbon dioxide is released and oxygen was bound by blood.
After passing through the gills, the blood that contains oxygen is then passed
through the body,
6. Circulatory system in reptiles
Reptiles have a double circulatory system, heart consists of four rooms,
which left the porch, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle.
Bulkhead between the right and left chambers in reptiles is not at all perfect
reptile heart has two aorta, the aorta and aortic left-right. Aorta-right out
of the left ventricle and drain the blood throughout the body. Aortic left out
of the border left ventricle and right ventricle blood flow to the back of the
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