In the body, leukocytes are not strictly associated with a particular organ or tissue, they work independently as a single cell organism. Leukocytes are able to move freely and interact and capture cellular debris, foreign particles, or microorganisms intruders. In addition, leukocytes can not divide or reproduce in their own way, but they are the product of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells that exist in the bone marrow.
Leukocytes derivatives include: NK cells, cell source, eosinophils, basophils, and including makrofaga phagocytes, neutrophils, and dendritic cells.
scanning electron microscope
There are several types of white blood cells called granulocytes or polymorphonuclear cells, namely:
and the other two types without granules in the cytoplasm:

Neutrophiles eosinophiles basophiles

Lymphocytes monocytes macrophages
White blood cell function
Granulocytes and Monocytes have an important role in protecting the body against microorganisms. with his ability as phagocytes (fago-consuming), they eat live bacteria that enter the circulatory system. through a microscope can sometimes be found as much as 10-20 of microorganisms ingested by a grain of granulocytes. perform this function when they are called phagocytes. with the power of movement amuboidnya he can move freely in and get out and walk around the blood vessels throughout the body. This way he can:
Surrounding areas affected by infection or injury, capture and destroy living organisms, to get rid of other materials such as dirt, and other pieces, in the same way, and as granulocytes have enzymes that break down proteins, which allows damaging living tissues, destroy and throw it away. in this way are sick or injured tissue can be removed and healing is possible
As a result of work of phagocytic white blood cells, inflammation can be stopped at all. If the activity is not managed properly, it can form pus. Pus Include Usual "corpse" of friends and enemies - who were killed in the performance phagocytes called pus cells. so also there are many who die in the pus germs and coupled with a large number of networks that have been melted. and pus cells will be removed by the granulocytes of healthy working as phagocytes.
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